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Happy 25th Birthday to Web

Seems like I was born with digital dna.  That’s right, it’s in my blood.  That energetic mix of technology and marketing that drives people like me to keep creating the future.   At all hours of the night.   Like it or not, it’s here to stay.  I do actually like it.  There is nothing better than being a bit right brained and a bit left brained.  I do have to admit that the left brain is dominant – it only lets the right brain come out to play when there is a true purpose.  But the right brain rejoices when it sees marketing creative so good it could make ones knees buckle.  Creative that delivers the marketing message so well that the target customer can not resist taking the desired action.  And freedom to publish content without walls.  So, on this 25th birthday of the internet according to Google,  let’s all count our blessings about the internet.  Yes,  it can be misused, but let’s celebrate the 95% wonderfulness it has created.

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One thought on “Happy 25th Birthday to Web

  1. Twenty five years. And yet many of us in the industrial sales arena are just now updating our sites and social marketing agendas to today’s standards. It took us a while. But we’re all in now. That said, please refrain from spending time on my company site today. But rest assured the new Carotek site will be unveiled soon with all the flare our twenty five year old internet has to offer. And thanks to the pros like DigitalDNA WHO are helping us get there.

    Stephen Bell
    Carotek, Inc.

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