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Instagram as part of your Digital Marketing Strategy?

I often get asked by clients if they should be using Instagram.  My answer?  Depends on your target customer.  Marketing Charts and Emarketer just published this very helpful chart on Instagram users and…more importantly…forecasts.  If this holds true,  it’s still a young person’s game.  If you are targeting millennials or younger,  be there.  If not,  there are other channels that will give you more ROI.  Unless of course you have totally nailed your strategy on all of the other channels and are looking for more things to do:-)


Instagram’s monthly user base in the US grew by almost 60% last year, a faster-than-expected rate of growth that propelled it to more than 64 million users, according to eMarketer’s latest estimates. The short-term forecast is certainly more bullish than estimates released last year by eMarketer: this year’s forecast calls for 89.4 million US users by the end of next year, a significant hike from last year’s forecast of 50.6 million users by 2016’s end.

With its strong growth last year, eMarketer notes that Instagram passed Twitter in US monthly users, becoming the second-largest social network in the US in the process. In the years to come, its expected to consolidate that position, predicted to boast more than 40 million more US users than Twitter by 2019.

While eMarketer doesn’t forecast last year’s 60% growth rate being matched in the years to come, the platform should maintain double-digit growth until 2018, when it will exceed 100 million US users and reach almost one-third of the US internet population.

Instagram’s user base will continue to consist mainly of youth, although older groups will also gravitate to the platform. Users aged under 35 are estimated to have comprised 69.3% share of all US users last year, with that figure expected to decline to 63.5% by 2019. By 2019, user aged 55 and older are forecast to account for more than 1 in 10 (11.8% of) Instagram users, up from 8.1% share last year.

Figures regarding the household income and racial/ethnic composition of US visitors to Instagram are available in the MarketingCharts report, US Media Audience Demographics. A separate MarketingCharts study details the best times for brands to post on Instagram for user engagement.

About the Data: eMarketer notes that “figures for social network users estimate the number of individuals who use each property monthly, in contrast to the total number of open accounts on each network. We count individuals who log on to or access a platform at least once per month, excluding business accounts and multiple accounts by individual users, and discounting for potential fake accounts and bot users, relying heavily on survey data to gauge consumers’ regular usage.”

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